Chris's Blog: August 2005

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New Orleans

I just can't believe it. I look at the pictures and read the stories and even have an aunt and uncle and cousins who had to evacuate New Orleans and it is still hard to believe. I mean a city underwater and they are saying that they are estimating 2 to 3 months to get the city running again. Imagine that, you are forced out of your home for 2 to 3 months, no job, no house. Of course those who are blessed enough to still be alive aren't too worried about those things yet. It will sooner or later set in. To me it still seems so unreal.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Voicing My Opinion

It is true Opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one. Of course I keep trying to give mine out and as most people would agree, I don't want that ass. I still haven't figured out how to give an opinion without it not being an opinion, more like a suggestion. Maybe thats it, maybe I just need to say "Can I make a suggestion..." I, like most people, believe that I am right the majority of the time. And I know that really makes a difference in an opinion, because to me it is more like a fact. Of course most people I know wouldn't agree with that statement. For instance I was in the practice room making a suggestion to Oz and I guess it came across more as a opinion or a fact (I don't know which), well he got on the defensive and told me that I was wrong, well that was his opininion or fact. So I am thinking I am right and you are wrong and that is my opinion, and of course his is opposite of that. See how things can just get so out of hand. Am I supposed to keep my opinions to myself? I mean think about the Wright brothers when they made the first plane. Wilber to Adam "Hey dude I think in order for this plane to fly you need wings of some sort on it" and of course Adam replied "Yah, what do you know, haven't you ever seen a missile, they don't need wings" and Wilber says "Ok, but haven't you ever seen a bird, they have wings" and Adam says "Sure I have seen chickens too, they have wings, but they don't fly." Luckily they came to some sort of agreement and put wings on it. So opinions whether are not they are like assholes, and whether they are good or bad, they are a part of life, in my opinion...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Changes in the Wind

Here we go in another chapter of monkeyshyne history. For those who don't know, but soon will find out, Keith, our bass player, is leaving the band. I only have good things to say about the time Keith has been in the band. I think we all kind of knew that sooner or later the cummute from Temple to Dallas every weekend was going to get to him. I was just hoping later than sooner. I think Keith all showed us how dedicated we could be, he was a work horse, he didn't know the meaning of the word fail. Several times since knowing him he has fretted about tests that he had to take for the Air Force, funny cause I never had any doubt in my mind he would not pass them. I don't know too many guys that would have lasted as long as him driving as much as him. He is truely a special dude. We had our last show, fittingly enough, in the same bar that we met him in, hahaha, I am just a sentimental fool. And also for those wondering, this wasn't a bad breakup. Oz, Colin and I and Keith decided this was best for everyone. Will monkeyshyne get another bass player, probably one day, for now we will go back to the way it was in the beginning a 3 piece. I don't know if you've seen the movie Spinal Tap, but they couldn't keep a drummer. I guess for monkeyshyne that would be our bass players.

PS, what do you think about calling our next CD "Lick my love pump"


Monday, August 15, 2005

Religion and Politics

This past weekend I got in a big argument at a party over religion and politics. Rule number 1 when drinking, don't argue either. It was me vs. 4 other people (I like those odds) and at first it was a discussion on our belief system, then slowly but surely gov't got involved. So what did the argument prove, nothing. For some reason when I get in those type situations, I just feel a strong need to be right. HAHAHA, if you asked those around me they would say that I feel that need all the time, which is also true. Of course during many points that I made when I look back on it, 5 minutes earlier I was making that opposing point mine. Once again RULE 1 at a party NEVER and I mean NEVER argue politics and religion, leave those discussions for the dinner table...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Good Weekend

This past weekend turned out good. By Saturday we were tight, becuase of getting to play Thursday and Friday too. I always wonder if I would be able to play 5 nights a week if it was my job and I think just as long as I could sleep till 2pm in the afternoon I could do that. I have to admit I was a little horse on Sunday morning, but the nice thing about Oz singing too is I only handle half of the vocal duties.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Failure and Success

I keep hearing this old chinese proverb in my head "Fall down 7 times, get up 8", and I think that is a powerful statement. Failure is part of life, but so is success, and usually it only takes that one more time to make it, wherever that may be. Conchrisus say enough lesson for today...

Monday, August 01, 2005

Sleep Deprivation

I got up Friday morning at 4:30 am to do a little training at the radio station. We then left for San Angelo at 4pm for a gig and I slept a total of 2 hours (maybe, Mr. Weistenheimer has a happy brake foot) then I drove home from our San Angelo gig ariving in Dallas at 7am. By that time Colins and my conversation turned into Chick Filet talk. Probably because I was hungry. As I was talking to him I realized the greatness in the business infrastructure Chick Filet has built. I always understand the person at the drive through, I never get soggy waffle fries, they put chick on a buiscuit and the list could go on and on. They even obsever the Lord's day and that is why they are closed on Sunday. Wow what a company, Chick Filet you have one a piece of my stomach, my culinary friends...