Chris's Blog: February 2007

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

We are a bunch of sorry dogs...


monkeyshyne management apologizes for the non-action blogging of them members of monkeyshyne. The members are too busy doing VERY important things like watching TV, sleeping, watching more TV and sleeping some more.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why

I don't know...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How Would I Feel

Keith recently sent me an email with the following video:
. It is Cindy and Bert covering Black Sabbath's song Paranoid. Not only are they remaking it in a disco style, but they are singing it in German. Now I don't know if I would be flattered or I would be pissed if Cindy and Bert were to do this with a monkeyshyne song. If you watch the video you will notice they are both really kick ass singers and they both look like rockstars. BUT I do have a problem with all the dancers in the video. For gods sake please look like you are having a good time. I don't see how they can contain their emotions when listening to Cindy and Bert. Of course I have seen this reaction amongst many of our audiences at monkeyshyne shows...

I guess what I am saying is I would feel good about Cindy and Bert covering any of our music, but I would want a different video director. Maybe we could get Spielberg, I really liked what he did in that movie AI...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Make a Request

If you haven’t noticed we are constantly making changes to our new website. Not only are we giving it a facelift, but we are trying to add some things that might be helpful to all of our 1’s of fans.

We just added a new "Make a Request" section where you can look over the songs that we currently play and send us a request when we come to your side of the world. I can’t tell you how many times someone has asked us to play something older or a cover song we don’t know at a show and we don’t play it because we have had no time to practice it. Here is your chance to change that. I know that Audra will always ask for “Take a Chance” when we go to Tyler. But I honestly forget what other fans like and that bothers me. This is a way for us to never forget. I can remember Anna from Temple asking us to learn a song from the Beatles called Anna. She asked for months and months and months, but I just kept forgetting the name of the song and the band (easy mistake right, Beatles who?).

Plus if you are new to monkeyshyne music maybe you didn’t know that we even played other peoples music. Maybe you really like “Blister in the Sun” and “Lovin’s What I Got.” And now you see that we play them then that would give you a little incentive to come to our show. I am ok with that (but I will guarantee monkeyshyne’s original music will be better!)

See for me and the guys the more asses we put in the club and in front of us while we are on stage the more energy we get to share with everyone. And of course the better the memory we get to make.

If we are headed to your side of the street hop on over to our request page and make a request, who knows, we may just surprise you and actually play the song you request…

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Play it like a man...

You know we all have to face our fears at some point in out lives. Some of us turn away and run and others stare it down and make that fear our BIOTCH. I have to give props to one buddy of mine who I have watched grow leaps and bounds over the last few years. That buddy is Keith aka Fear the Spork aka Westy aka monkeyshyne's bass player.

When I first met Keith a couple years back he was your typical flyboy. Sure he looked good in a tight pair of jeans, but you could tell all that starch in his clothing was causing him to be a little stiff. Recently Keith decided to leave the Air Force after 13 years of service because he knew he wanted more out of life. And since he has been out of the military he has totally started to take more of a "Life is like a box of Chocolates" attitude, meaning he likes things that are dark, creamy, hard on the outside, but soft in the middle...Ok you get the point, he is much more laid back.

I think one of his BIGGEST accomplishments to this date happened this past weekend when he decided to sport a hot pink bass on stage. Not just for Friday nights show, but also for Saturday nights show. That is right Mr. IAMGoingToKillyouinYourSleep was playing (and totally rocking) a HOT pink bass. And you know what he didn't care what other people thought. He even changed his myspace main picture to one of the pictures of him playing the pink bass.

Let me just be one of the first civilians to say SGTPCFCFPSTGLS Keith Westyheimer I rock n roll solute you dude, you are alright in my book.